Why sinners can not go to heaven...

The old testament was Gods way of showing people how serious sin is to him and how he must punish sin. God can not tolerate sin, because all sin leads to evil. All evil we see around us is here because we did not trust that God, our father, knew what is best for us.

All the ten commandments are commandmants given out of love. The first 4 how to love God and the last how to love our neighbour. But you see God has made a promise that one day there will be no sin, and no evil left and he can only bring those who choose to be obediant and choose to accept Gods gift, Jesus Christ, so that we have the possibility to live with him where all things are good for eternity.

If we choose to refuse that gift and choose to be disobediant, he must punish us and then take back the life he once gave us. That is the only way to avvoid sin and evil from ever rising up again! If he gave all sinners eternal life in heaven, including those who did not trust and love God, the same problem would rise up again and there would never be an end to all evil. But God does not have any pleasure of seing his children perish, but he must do it in order to get rid of evilness once and for all. But why does God allow all this evil we see? That I believe is because in order to not let sin ever rise a second time, we must see and understand how destroying sin is and how evil it is so that no-one will be tempted to let sin enter a second time.

Remember God created each single person because he loves us, all of us. Life is no more than a gift from God. We have a free will to choose whether to be good or evil...he gave us the guidelines and rules. And if we choose to be evil and disobediant, and refuse to accept his gift, he can't do anything else then to take our lifes back. The punisment prior to the final second death for sinners, are also because he is just and loving. That is so that those who have been very wicked wil be punished harder than those who has done less. This way he ensures us that his judgment will be fair. But all who decides to accept his gift and follow Jesus and his commands has the chance of eternal life with Him and the rightous for eternity.

He created us in order to live in harmony with him forever. He loves us so much that he was willing to send his own son to be punished and killed although he was without any sin. He paid the price for us! Can you imagine how awful God must have felt when he sacrificed his precious son who had done NOTHING evil, to see him go through so much pain and not stepping in to stop it. How tempting it must have been for God and how heartbreaking to watch and hear his loving son Jesus cry and calling for his father and shouting: "My God, my God why hast thou forsaken me!"

What a sacrifice for God! But God LOVED US SO MUCH, that he gave his only son so that those who believe in Him should not perish but have everlasting life! What a gift! We was not created to perish. It is all up to us, although nobody derserve it we have two choices in life: either we accept his gift or we don't...

We were not created to die, but to live forever. But God can only give eternal life to those who choose him (love) over all evil.

God gave us this life because he loves us. We are all born with a concience that tells us to some degree when we are doing something bad. I think everybody have a sense of what is wrong and what is right. I also think that we are born with a sense of just. That means that when people choose to do something evil (killing), he should be punished for it in some way. There has to be a reaction, a consequence to evil works, I think everybody would agree in that. Or else everybody could choose to become tyranns and kill, steal, cheat, with no consequence of their actions. I think everybody here will agree that for instance Hitler should have to pay for all the tragedy he caused, for being responsible for ending over 6 million lives.

God has made a promise that one day soon, he will wipe away all sin and all evil. Now the only way for us to not be tempted to sin again is to show us how damaging and destroying sin and evil is. Do you think God enjoy this one bit, NO not at all. He would love to put an end to the devil and all evil right away, but then nobody could get saved and we would not get fully convinced how bad sin is for us. It is the only way to avoid all evil from arising a second time!

God has given all people a promise that if we seek him with all our heart, we will find him.
Nobody has derserved to live with God for eternity, not one, but he wants so desperately that we all will turn our back to all sin and evil and accept his gift of grace in Jesus Christ, so that he won’t have to punish us and take back the life he once gave us. In stead we have the opportunity to live in perfect harmony with him forever.